Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tangled Jewelry and Feathers

We had so much fun at Jump into January! Here's one final blog post to show you the awesome jewelry and feathers that we created. Many thanks to Sadelle Wiltshire, Mary Ann S-D, Maribeth Sullivan and Linda Latham for allowing me to share their photographs with you!

Photo's from Sadelle's paper bead class!

 Jenny added color with Gelly Roll pens

Pictures from Susan Nutting paper tangled feathers class!

And here are some pictures of the whole gang! We had a great time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Guest blog Tangle U teacher - Marie Browning

Marie will be teaching at Tangle U! I am so excited. Here is a little sneak peek into what she'll be teaching!

Blog post by Marie Browning 

Are you getting excited yet? I am! 

Coming up at the Tangle U in Northampton I will be introducing glorious color to my fellow CZTs. They will be transforming a fun ZIA garden of flowers and critters from black and white to amazing colors using the Tombow Dual Brush Pens. Even though color comes as a challenge to many, I like to teach in a fun and no-stress atmosphere and help you will develop your own style. 

Get ready to be wowed and bring color into your work and back to your students!  You can also pick up my book, ‘Time to Tangle with Colors’ to help you on your colorful journey or ‘The Joy of Zentangle’ which also includes steps for coloring your tangles. I was also really inspired by the book ‘Zenspirations’ by my good friend Joanne Fink. All these books are published by Design Originals. 

I am so looking forward to meet all my fellow CZTs and have them get inspired with color! Happy Tangling! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jump into January - Saturday!

Part 2 - Jump into January!

Those who stayed overnight at the Putney Inn were up early for eggs, home-fries and homemade pumpkin bread - yum! Then the day trippers and the overnighters gathered together in the function room for coffee and social time. We had a full table of show 'n tell including the awesome watering can!

Susan Nutting shared how to make tangled feathers. It was a really fun project and everyone enjoyed making them!

Denyse Gower Jones is coordinating Art Heals -  a project to remember the Sandy Hook shooting victims. She brought the art that she has received so far and made a display. It is a very touching tribute to the victims of that tragedy. Denyse is in the process of putting the art onto her blog, you can view it here.

That's me... probably trying to figure out iTunes or something!

Jenny Peruzzi owner of Acadia Laser Creations gave each attendee a small laser cut of the state of Vermont. She also brought a larger one which we all tangled and gave to the Inn Keeper! Acadia Laser Creations can be found online here. Jenny can custom cut any shape for you!

Watch for the next blog post - Putney Part 3 - making jewelry, fabric testing and more!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jump into January - Tangle Hunt!

Jump into January - Putney VT - January 2013
Friday - Tangle Hunt

Yes, they said we were crazy to schedule our latest day event for January in Vermont but what the heck - go for it - it's southern Vermont after all and the Putney Inn is located directly off the highway! Well - no problems - the January thaw was with us and our biggest problem was the fog. We had no new snow or weather related travel delays. (Melissa Hoopes can fill you in on traffic related delays in NY though!)

Sadelle Wiltshire organized a fantastic event for those of us who arrived early on Friday - a Tangle Hunt! So pith helmets on and khaki clad we armed ourselves with Pigma pens, sketch pads and cameras! We headed deep into Brattleboro Vermont. Along the way we gathered ideas and inspiration and the locals tempted us with coffees, mulled cider, fabric, buttons, sari covered sketchbooks and more! 

Okay, we didn't really wear pith helmets and khaki but we did shop and enjoy lots of visual treats! There we are ready to go hunting - at The Works Bakery Cafe.

First stop - A Candle in the Night. The had these cool large scale collage pieces out of found wood stuff - they were awesome!

Texiles and this cool thing!
Lounging ladies

At Delectable Mountain ---  Fabric! Oh My!

And at Adivasi Rajasthan, India store

                         Wood blocks for printing

The big blankets looked cool all rolled up!

Sound advice at Beadniks!

Next post - Jump into January - Saturday Highlights!